美國敬洋國際集團具備50年國際貿易經驗,1996年,集團為迎合業務推展的需要,設立了食品進出口部,協助優質的美國及其他世界品牌進軍遠東市場,著名的品牌如 Lorenz®、Inessence®、 Juicee Gummee POWERED BY JUICE! ®、及ALO ®。 所代理的產品還包括糖果、零食、飲品、雜貨等等,種類包羅萬象。在台灣北部、中部、南部皆有廣大的銷售通路,如各大量販店、零售商店、超市、百貨公司、便利商店等等,都可以見到敬洋代理產品的蹤跡。同時,敬洋也不斷尋求優秀的經銷夥伴,培養良好的合作關係,一同拓展市場版圖。

About SPl West Port Group


SPI West Port Corporation (Taiwan)

SPI West Port Corporation (Taiwan) is SPI West Port’s Taiwan marketing and wholesale distribution division headquartered in the capital city of Taipei.

SPI West Port represents exclusively some of the most recognized food and confection brands from all over the world.

With discrete sales and marketing teams serving the North, Central, and Southregions of the island nation, SPI West Port Corporation (Taiwan) serves all channels of trade in the consumer packaged goods category, including premium grocery, conventional grocery, hypermarket, department store, convenience store, and club store channels throughout Taiwan.